The mecanum wheel of China crane manufacturer

The mecanum wheel of China crane manufacturer
The mecanum wheel of China crane manufacturer
The mecanum wheel of China crane manufacturer

| The mecanum wheel of China crane manufacturer

The features of mecanum wheel by China crane manufacturer.
Dec 31, 2019
The mecanum wheel is an omnidirectional wheel that can be moved in all directions, referred to as a wheat wheel. It consists of a wheel hub and a roller surrounding the wheel hub. Many small wheels, namely rollers, are diagonally distributed on the rim of the hub, so the wheels can slide laterally. The roller is a small roller without power. The bus of the small roller is very special. When the wheel rotates around a fixed wheel spindle, the envelope of each small roller is a cylindrical surface, so the wheel can continuously move Scroll forward. By combining four such wheels, the mechanism can realize all-round movement function.
