Bending restrictor whose physical and chemical properties of all parts and materials should be stable

Bending restrictor whose physical and chemical properties of all parts and materials should be stable
Bending restrictor whose physical and chemical properties of all parts and materials should be stable
Bending restrictor whose physical and chemical properties of all parts and materials should be stable

| Bending restrictor whose physical and chemical properties of all parts and materials should be stable

The application of Polyurethane bending restrcitor
Aug 20, 2020
Flexible pipeline bending restrictor, submarine optical cable protection tube, bending reinforcement are widely used in the protection of petroleum flexible pipelines, the main material is mainly composed of rigid polyurethane.
Structure of polyurethane bending limiter
The polyurethane bending limiter adopts a modular structure, and the modules are interlocked to form a chain shape. The bending limiter module adopts a half-hafur structure. The bending limiter is assembled by bolts and is positioned by positioning pins when necessary.
Features of polyurethane bending limiter:
1. The physical and chemical properties of all parts and materials of the bend limiter should be stable, and the materials should be compatible and resistant to seawater corrosion;
2. Each cable shows a large bending radius. If it exceeds this bending radius, it may be damaged or even completely destroyed.
3. Adopting modular occlusal structure, the length can be increased or decreased according to the use environment.
Can be customized accroding to your needs.
